Rock of the Foothills shares Jesus through service and ministry. We reach out in our local and global communities to support the homeless and hungry, youth and families, and the sick and injured.
Haynes family of programs
The Haynes Family of Programs provides specialized treatment and educational services to children with special needs relating to emotional development, autism, asperger’s disorder, learning disabilities, neglect, and abandonment. Each Christmas, Rock of the Foothills collects donations for a cottage that houses up to 12 boys. At Easter we provide essential items and gifts such as beach towels, frizbees, footballs, candy, gift cards, clothing, puzzles and anything Haynes requests as a specialty item.
Central city lutheran mission
Lutheran Social Services serves the vulnerable people of Southern California. Our congregation prepares and serves community dinner at Central City Lutheran Mission (a men’s homeless shelter) in San Bernardino and provides worship music at their Sunday evening worship on the days we serve. Financial support, clothing donations and volunteering for special projects, are part of our service.
american red cross
Rock of the Foothills hosts American Red Cross Blood Drives at least 3 times per year. We are proud that we have assisted the Red Cross in collecting over 1,000 pints of blood and helping to provide life-saving blood to patients including those with serious injuries, going through surgery, in child birth, with blood disorders, and receiving cancer treatment. The blood drives are open to the community and we encourage our members and friends to stop by and donate.
Supporting the Homeless and Hungry
Inland Valley Hope Partners (IVHP) has a range of programs to serve their vision of healing our community of homelessness and hunger. One of their core programs is a food security program which helps some 4,000 low- and no-income residents of the Inland Valley access high quality food resources each month at one of their 5 centers. Rock of the Foothills collects and delivers groceries to the Upland and Pomona program centers to help support the IVHP’s food security program and the vulnerable served in these areas. Financial donations are also given through Rock of the Foothills.
We regularly make food care kits for vulnerable community members to keep in our cars and distribute to those on the street as we meet them. These kits provide emergency items, water and snacks.
Supporting Youth and Families – Globally and Locally
Shoes that Fit tackles one of the most visible signs of poverty by giving over 2 million pairs of new athletic shoes to kids in need, so they can attend school with dignity and joy. This organization makes a huge difference in the kids’ lives and for a number of years we have supported them with financial donations.
Assistance League of Pomona Valley is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives and well-being of local children and families. Our financial donations help to support their philanthropic programs: Dental Center, Operation School Bell, Community Clothes Closet, Assault Survivor Kits, Cubs for Kids and Act of Giving.
Rock of the Foothills participates in Opperation Christmas Child by packing shoebox gifts each year to bless children in need in more than 100 countries where volunteer National Leadership Teams train pastors and community leaders who want to share the message of the Gospel and bless children.
The Passion Center for Children is based in Zomba, Malawi, the former capital of the country. Through their various ministries, the Passion Center serves over 150 villages caring for over 350 orphans, Child-Headed Households (CHH), infants and special needs children. Several members of our congregation have gone to Malawi to work at the center and we support the center with financial donations and have donated necessary items to the orphanage in partnership with other churches and faith based groups.