Small Groups

We have a variety of small groups at Rock of the Foothills. We gather for study, connection, and service. Some groups are seasonal, some are ongoing. Connect with our office for the most current list of groups.


Adult Forum

Adult Forum takes place in between worship services on Sunday mornings (starting at about 10:00 AM) in Busch Hall. These forums will address a variety of topics from the Bible to history to things of current interest. We we also have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers from our own congregation and the wider community.


Bible Studies

There are a number of small groups at Rock where one can join others learning how to follow Jesus together. We meet at different times and in different places. Some meet in the day, some in the evening. Some meet at the church, some meet in homes or in a dining establishment, some gather online. The goals are the same: following Jesus and building community. For our current list of Bible Study groups, contact our office.


On the last Monday of the month we gather at a local microbrewery and discuss a book (non-alcoholic options available). We read a wide variety of books. Feel free to join us for every book or just the ones that interest you. For our current book and location, contact Lisa Strom.


Both our choir and worship band are always looking for new members. These groups meet weekly not just to rehearse, but to pray together, support one another, and just have fun making music. To learn more about joining either group, contact their directors: Jennifer Merklin for the choir or Lisa Strom for the band.



Our quilting group has been meeting for several years and has made well over 500 quilts. We make dozens of quilts every year which go to the Inland Valley Hope Partners, WINGS, shut-ins, our graduates, and other charities. The quilts provide warmth and comfort to others as a gift from Rock of the Foothills.