Our Story
Rock of the Foothills is a church rooted in the radical love of God shown to us in Jesus. Because of that love, we are a warm and hospitable community where you will be welcomed whole-heartedly. Located in La Verne, CA our church sits at the base of the San Gabriel mountain range. These sturdy mountains rise up behind the church reminding us that Jesus is a solid rock upon which we can build our lives. Our vision statement is, “Building Strong Lives on Christ the Solid Rock.” We strive to follow him not just on Sundays, but every day of our lives. Our hope is to be one of the many ways that God tells the good news of Jesus to the world.
Rock of the Foothills Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. While it is a young congregation, it has roots that go back many years. In 2002, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of La Verne and First Lutheran Church of Pomona merged to create Rock of the Foothills. Our Saviour’s was formed in 1976 and First Lutheran was started in 1917.
Our Values
We believe that Jesus is God’s gift of love and grace to the world and that because of him, we are made right with God. Through Jesus, we are able to enjoy a profound and fulfilling relationship with God that can come no other way.
We believe that God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit are one God in three persons, co-existing in eternity.
We believe that God’s Holy Spirit helps us to be more and more like Jesus, filled with joy and hope.
We believe that the Bible is God’s love letter to the human race, which proclaims Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected. It is the final authority in faith and life. It is a living document that reads us as much as we read it.
We believe that we do not deserve to claim a place in God’s presence due to our own accomplishments. We, along with all humanity, have placed many different things in God’s place in our lives. Thankfully, God has given us Jesus to do what we could not do on our own: bring us back into God’s presence by his forgiveness and sacrifice.
We believe that Lutheran thought is a faithful way of understanding scripture and the Christian faith.